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You can place your order by Yahoo! Store secure server (online).
After placing an order with us you will receive an email from us confirming that your order is in stock, when you should expect the order to arrive, and how to track the status of the order.
After placing an order with us you will receive an email from us confirming that your order is in stock, when you should expect the order to arrive, and how to track the status of the order.
Most of our customers pay by credit card and we accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover through our secure server. Your credit card will get charged 24-72 hours after you place your order. We have a "Pre-pay" policy to protect ourselves from insufficient fund or fraudulent orders.
You can also pay by check. Just select a payment method and we will get your order ready, but it will only ship after the check clears. Since it takes a couple of days to get your order ready to ship, you will not experience a delay if you pay with a check.